Students gain knowledge before class, and instructors guide students to actively and interactively clarify and apply that knowledge during class. Flipped Classroom at Texas University Flipped Classroom.Defining Flipped Classroom | Flipping a Class >>
Category: Flipped Learning
ISTE Flip Class 101
A clip by pioneers of the Flipped Classroom walking through the implementation of a flipped class. Flipped Class 101 at ISTE 2012 Flipped Classroom | Crash Course.Flipped Class 101 >>
Flipped Class Learnt from Pioneer
The link brings you ideas by Jon Bergmann, the Pioneer of Flipped Learning. Flipped Class by Jon Bergmann Flipped Classroom | Crash Course .The Flipped Class: Gettining Stakeholders on Board >>
Flipping the Classroom at Columbia U
The videos give you insights into flipped learning. Flipping the Classroom at Columbia University Flipped Classroom | Crash Course.Flipped Classroom at Columbia University >>
Flipped Class Demystified in New York U
This link provides you the substantial resources from theory to practice. Flipped Classroom in New York University Flipped Classroom | Crash Course.Flipped Class Demystified >>…
Flip your Class in 30 Mins
A 30-min guide provide you pro tips and three flipped stories. Flipped Classes in Kirkwood Community College Flipped Classroom | Crash Course.
A Beginner Guide by Global Educators
Many educators are exploring the flipped classroom model with examples. Flipped Classroom – A Beginner’s Guide Flipped Classroom | Crash Course.The Flipped Classroom Beginner’s Guide >>
Flipped Classroom Model
This video provides an introduction to the flipped classroom model. The Flipped Classroom Model Flipped Classroom | Crash Course.The Flipped Classroom Model >>
Flip to Spend More Time with your students (10 mins)
Flipped our classroom allows you to spend more 1-on-1 time with your students and know how to teach your students better and succeed in you class. Instead of standing in front lecturing, you get to make sure that they understand Read More …
自從2007年開始美國帶出的翻轉教室的教育反思,在台灣投入翻轉教室教學的教師逐漸增加,這個網頁由一班擁有翻轉教室 4-5 年以上經驗的教學先驅,介紹翻轉教室的概念和分享實例,共同實踐因材施教和自主學習的教育理想,促進學習多樣性,善用網路數位工具成為重要學習工具,鼓勵老師由知識的教導者轉為學習的引導者,強化學生自主學習的能力。 翻轉教室.分享篇|2014翻轉教室工作坊 >>