Ch.2 Global Successful Stories

Create excitement from gaining real-world teaching experience.

Stories around the world inspires you to develop your teaching styles of flipped learning.

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2Global Success



自從2007年開始美國帶出的翻轉教室的教育反思,在台灣投入翻轉教室教學的教師逐漸增加,這個網頁由一班擁有翻轉教室 4-5 年以上經驗的教學先驅,介紹翻轉教室的概念和分享實例,共同實踐因材施教和自主學習的教育理想,促進學習多樣性,善用網路數位工具成為重要學習工具,鼓勵老師由知識的教導者轉為學習的引導者,強化學生自主學習的能力。

翻轉教室.分享篇|2014翻轉教室工作坊 >>


Success Flip Ideas

Dr. Lodge McCammon’s Big Ideas

This is an excellent site provide you clips to flip your class:

Flipped Class.Success Story|Flipped Teacher Training >>


A Story of Flipped Class from Singapore

Mr. Roslee Bin Jalie Head of Department, ICT Wellington Primary School Singapore

Here are some related posts about Flipped Classroom in Singapore:

Is Singapore ready for the ‘Flipped Classroom?”

Flipped Classroom in Singapore

Universities adopting ‘flipped classroom’ learning

What’s A Flipped Classroom?

Flipped Classroom.Sucess Story|MOOCs in NUS >>






Law Flipped Class

Law professor Lutz-Christian Wolff lets students become more active and interesting in courses at Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Flipped Classroom in Law School at HKU


Flipped Class Hong Kong | ‘Flipped classroom’ concept makes learning more interesting for students at Chinese University of Hong Kong >>


Flipped Classroom Video Series from a US teacher

Katie Gimbar’s Flipped Classroom

Flipped Class.Success Story|Katie Gimbar’s Flipped Classroom >>




[台灣翻轉教室] 從偏鄉到都市,五個激勵人心的故事

好書推介: 「翻轉教育2.0–改變從我開始」…

翻轉課室 | 交流篇.翻轉教育2.0,改變從我開始 >>…


Reinventing a Public High School with Problem-Based Learning

Sammamish High School is in the midst of a five-year process to change from traditional teaching to an entirely problem-based curriculum. Follow the journey of the teachers, administrators, and students as they transform their school.

Success Story in the US

Flipped Class | Success Story.Reinventing a Public High School with Problem-Based Learning >>



Project-Based Learning: Success Start to Finish

Manor New Technology High School demonstrate an effective PBL model keeps both students and teachers motivated and achieving their best. Success Story in the US

Flipped Class | Success Story.Project-Based Learning: Success Start to Finish >>


The Vod Couple. First Flipped Class in World.

High school chemistry teachers Aaron Sams and Jonathan Bergmann have created conventional classroom instruction by having students watched the video podcasts and do exciting things with your students depends on their individual needs.

Flipped Class | Successful Story.’Flipped’ Pioneer Launches Global Initiative to Spread the Practice >>

The Flipped Classroom

Sample Video Podcasts: Replacement Reactions

Aaron Sams – Flipped Classroom: The Next Step

Flipped Class | Successful Story.Jon Bergmann Youtube Channel >>