
The What

Flip is blended teaching?

No, “blended learning” emphasizes the use of digital or online media in some parts of the learning, while Flip emphasizes moving some parts of the classroom instruction to be done before class, thus creating time for other interactive activities in class;

It is typical to use tablet computers in Flip?

No, actually in most cases, viewing video, playing with tablets individually, and googling for project material in class will unnecessarily slow down the pace of teaching and can be a waste of the precious classroom time which should be used for human (teacher–students, student–student) interaction;

Flip has to be done with video?

No, mainland Chinese teachers flip with “paper” successfully; in most cases, short video + reading material is better than video alone; summary tables, flow/organizational charts can often be better than videos;

Flip video is useful only for highly motivated and higher ability students?

No, it is based on the assumption that they are more obedient and will watch the videos; some western studies show that lower ability students will engage more because they can now “pause”, “replay” the lessons which they cannot do in traditional teaching; actually for brighter students, watching videos designed for average learners can be extremely boring, fast-forwarding a video is difficult because they may miss some important points; brighter students might prefer reading text than watching videos;

The Why

Flip and distance mode are totally different pedagogies?

If we extend the flip contents further without the classroom activities, it can become a distant mode course; or at least we can turn 3 out of the 10 chapters, say, into distance mode so as to leave room for out of classroom visits/ on the job training/ practicum, etc.;

Flip is not useful because video lectures are worse than teachers’ more interactive lectures in class?

Video lectures are worse than in-class lectures, but video lectures + interactive classroom activities is better than boring in class lectures alone; we should design good classroom activities that we are unable to do without flip;

The ultimate goal of Flip is to improve classroom teaching?

If some Flip modules gradually adopt the distance mode, then we have the opportunity to expand our learning activities as in the Flip 3s (Minerva project, university without a campus, learn Middle East not on textbooks but in Middle East); Flip is not only helping the teaching of a certain course, Flip + distant education should enable us to broaden the kind of educational activities in any educational programs; that is why MIT emphasizes “campus and beyond”, “learning communities”, “communication skills”, “credit bearing services”, “engaging the neighbor community” once online education is extensively adopted;

Students will be doubling their homework to watch all these videos?

If we complete part of the homework and solve the more difficult items in class, students may not have to spend more time at home (see primitive research below)

The How

To Flip, the major challenge is to produce the videos?

No, producing videos or reading material is generally easy, but designing useful activities to make better use of the time in class may need some more thoughts;

Flip is time consuming for teachers?

Not necessarily; once produced it can be repeatedly used; if we use short primitive (annotated ppt, simple drawing on “explain everything” rather than professional video-taping/animation), it is an accessible pedagogy for all teachers; animation is good, but simple drawing/ picture can be almost equally effective in most cases;

Flip videos require professional editing?

No, primitive production using screen capturing (ppt 2010/2013 or “explain everything”, Camtasia) + simple video editing [“movie maker” or EDpuzzle (enable adding of questions into the video), mainly to cut away unwanted sections] is good enough for most cases;

Flip has to be self-produced?

If you have anxiety recording your “imperfect” lectures, search on Youtube for suitable contents, either for the systematic teaching (e.g., explaining what normal distribution is) or as challenging problems/tasks to be solved at home; you may also consider to put videos to be broadcast at 1.2x speed (e.g., use VideoPad Video Editor; www.nchsoftware.com/videopad);

It is impossible to condense a lesson into 5-10 min videos?

We should never attempt to condense a whole lecture into the video format, in most cases, watching an hour video is boring; the short video clips should either introduce the topic (like a conference poster attracting audience’s attention), explain the most difficult parts, or serve as the framework for further learning (as “advance organizer”);

In Flip, students are allowed to ask questions when viewing video so that teachers can understand students’ difficulties?

No, teachers should understand students’ potential questions; we allow students to ask questions while viewing just to engage them more; so pick some of their questions to answer in class;

We have to flip the whole course?

No, most school teachers only flip twice or thrice in a week


從某個角度來看,「翻轉課堂」(歐美國家稱為flipped classroom, flipped teaching)並非新鮮事物。例如在研究生課,老師要求學生先看某篇文章,在課堂不再作解釋,而直接深入討論文章所引發的深層次問題,這已是「翻轉課堂」。同理,自古以來中小學老師亦會請學生在家先預習備課,然後上課時跳到更深入的課題。



Q: 「翻轉課堂」是重要的教育改革嗎?

近年教育界的不同調查研究報告顯示,「翻轉課堂」是高等教育界未來五年內數種重要改革之一(如,NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Higher Education Edition),因為它不涉及高端科技,「翻轉」目標可短期內達致。故此不難理解(如,美國對中小學教學人員的大型調查“Speak Up 2013 National Research Project Findings: A Second Year Review of Flipped Learning”) ,一些國家的調查顯示,教學行政人員認為「翻轉課堂」的影響遠超其他電子教學遊戲等方法。不單大量老師在使用翻轉課堂,絕大部份同學也認同「翻轉課堂有助學習」。

Q: 「翻轉課堂」等於「教育電視」嗎?


Q: 在「翻轉課堂」下,學生不是要在家中用很多時間備課嗎?


Q: 教師何來時間制作「翻轉課堂」短片?





Q: 「翻轉課堂」對能力較低學生適用嗎?


Q: 「翻轉課堂」能在所有科目及內容中使用嗎?



